There are many publications that tout the benefits of walking, which is an aerobic exercise. Physical activity doesn’t need to be complicated. Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life. Walking is good for you in many ways. Here are some key points about the benefits of walking provided by the Arthritis Foundation:
- It improves your body’s circulation, which can help ward off heart disease, bring the heart rate up, lower blood pressure and improve the heart’s overall health.
- It can help improve the condition of people dealing with osteoporosis because it helps strengthen the bones.
- It helps improve your mood because it releases natural painkilling endorphins to the bodies, which is a benefit when exercise more in general.
- A brisk half hour walk can burn up to 200 calories and overtime this can help with weight loss.
- People who walk more tend to sleep better and improve insomnia.
- You tend to breathe more when you are exercising and with walking, this increase in your breathing rate equates to an increase in oxygen traveling through your bloodstream, which helps eliminate waste and improve your energy.
- Memory loss is a common ailment a lot of Americans cope with and walking cause possibly help with age-related memory decline.
- Increasing the amount of aerobic and resistance exercises you perform everyday helps decrease your risk of injury when participating in other physical activities.
In a study published by the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, researchers found that walking for around three hours a week was linked with an 11 percent reduction in the risk of early death compared with those who did very little activity. According to Consumer Reports, the goal of 10,000 steps is thought to be a fair minimum, but people should aim for more for complete risk reduction. Starting a walking routine takes a lot of initiative and sticking to it takes dedication and commitment. At O’Connor Health Center in Redwood City, Los Altos, and San Jose, we offer our clients help when it comes to figuring this routine out. We are here to help you in your journey to fitness!