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Are You Motivated to Lose Weight?

Every day you look at yourself in the mirror and think about doing something about your weight, and then you finally decide that you will seriously work toward it. But that day is always pushed onto the next day. And after thinking it over again comes a time that you wish to end this contemplating phase and seriously act on it. Honestly, it starts with a thought but takes much more than imagined. The first step may seem easy but keeping it requires much work. Wondering if you are ready to work around it and stay focused and motivated toward your goals?

Remember, losing weight is hard and keeping at it is even more challenging. You may find yourself struggling, but with these motivational tips and our program, you can sail through it.

Make smaller goals – It’s good to be ambitious but keeping up with reality helps. It may sound nearly impossible if you aim to lose 30lbs in a few weeks. It is important to understand your abilities and not rush into things. You may be excited to work out and achieve your goals, but the body may be unable to keep up with the routine for a long time.

Write down your goals – It is impossible to remember every detail, so writing down and keeping it pinned in front of you helps as you can look at it every day. If you look at your everyday goals, you’ll be reminded of them and can work toward them.

Ask your friend to go with you – You may ask your friend to come along and work out with you. It may become a commitment and help you achieve your goals. You may also be motivated to work harder at it. It is undoubtedly helpful to ask your friend to join your workout.

Never compare how you look to others – People look up to their favorite celebrities or athletes to get a body like them. Idolizing how someone looks and wishing to become the same is quite unreal. Honestly, everything is not about body image; it goes beyond that.

Stop smoking

It is advised to stop smoking as it injures health. It decreases your oxygen levels affecting your physical performance.


Losing weight is not about one or two approaches but a combination. We can help guide you on the weight loss journey that will be most beneficial for you without any harmful effects. To learn how our programs can help you, call O’Connor Health Center at (650) 334-1010 today.